LAUNCH Education & Kids: 30 Companies (6 Stealth) Plus Scoble, Alan Louie & Nolan Bushnell
To make sure we selected the most awesome companies for LAUNCH Education & Kids on June 12 & 13 -- just 11 days from now -- the LAUNCH team spoke with over 160 companies of the 300+ on our list.
We debated our favorites and narrowed it down to 30 startups that will unveil something new, including six stealth startups that will launch on stage. Each company will also share its hard-won insights about the education/kids space.
Bottom line: We simply had too many great companies to limit ourselves to 25!
Since we know how much entrepreneurs appreciate receiving immediate feedback, we're also putting together a roster of top judges. Those confirmed include Robert Scoble, Alan Louie of Imagine K12, Christine Tsai of 500 Startups, Wesley Chan of Google Ventures and Ted Maidenberg of the Social+Capital Partnership. Our unofficial judges for the event: tech-savvy kids sitting in the front rows -- we expect them to be nothing less than brutally honest!