1:22 PM PST Tue, Feb 11, 2014
LAUNCH Festival Build Your Dream App Competition
We’ve partnered with Ice House, a mobile app development firm, during the 2014 LAUNCH Festival to give you an opportunity to build your dream app.
Have you had a killer idea for a mobile app? Do you have an existing project that absolutely needs a mobile app?
Answer a few easy questions by 8am, February 26 and you’ll be entered to win $50k of investment to build your dream app!
The winner will be announced on stage at the end of the final day of the LAUNCH Festival.
Bonus: after the app is built, the winner will come on LAUNCH Founder Jason Calacanis’s podcast, This Week in Startups, to talk about it.
Read the guidelines & enter to win here: http://launch.icehousecorp.com/.