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Anti-Photoshop Collages from Cardinal Blue's Pic Collage

WHAT: Pic Collage is the 'anti-Photoshop' way to method to create collages on iPads and iPhones. 

LAUNCHERS: John Fan, Ching-Mei Chen [@chingmei , LinkedIn ] , Jaime Cham, Co-founder Joanne Chang

CUSTOMERS:  Launched a month ago, 400K downloads so far...

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Loku Takes Big Data and Delivers Local Favorites

WHAT: Loku [ @loku ] uses big data to give you the inside scoop on what the locals do while you're on vacation -- or in your own hometown.  "Our approach, based on local language patterns instead of links, provides the most effective local results on the internet," CEO Dan Street told LAUNCH via email.

LAUNCHERS: Dan Street, CEO and founder [ LinkedIn ] , Roger Castillo CTO and co-founder [ LinkedIn ], Raj Ramanan, president and co-founder [ LinkedIn ].

INSPIRATION: "We are a group of folks who grew up in small towns...

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Can't Find a Developer? Coder Buddy 

WHAT: Create and publish static websites or Python applications to the Google App engine. Coder Buddy [ @coderbuddydoes not require any software installation and publishes to the web within minutes. 

LAUNCHERS: Adrian Scott, CEO [ @adrianscottcom ]. Jeremy Elliott, VP of Engineering.

INSPIRATION: "I kept hearing from friends who had trouble hiring developers or had unhappy experiences with outsourcing firms," Adrian tells LAUNCH. "I received lots of emails from friends saying, 'Do you know any good developers?...

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Manpacks Automate Essential Purchases for Men

WHAT: Manpacks [ @manpacks ] makes purchasing men's essentials like underwear, socks, shirts, shaving products and condoms simple with the click of a button.

WHY: Most guys don't like to spend time shopping for essential items like underwear. Manpacks automates those routine purchases so they never have to go shopping again...

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Chirpme Takes Dating Beyond Coffee

WHAT: A dating service that connects people through dates. ChirpMe [ @chirpme ] posts new places to go and things to do daily in San Francisco, San Jose, Miami and eventually, Chicago. Users select places that would be fun dates and message people to go.

LAUNCHERS: Jonathan Viner, Kevin, Josh, Brendan

INSPIRATION: Too many dates over coffee left Jonathan Viner feeling more like those dates were more like jobs interviews rather than searching for love...

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