4:23pm: Closing statement form Dave: "Hope you write some checks."
4:20pm: Entrepreneurs in video list problems in Latin America: government bureaucracy, taxes, low broadband penetration (but huge market that's growing). But as one points out, those building startups are running a marathon with mud up to their knees and they are still running -- amazing.
4:19pm: Dave closing it up with video from Latin America "geeks on a plane" event. Finding startups in Brazil for next batch. Just $25K for a t-shirt. Thanks sponsors. Beers in the back!
4:19pm: KKLD, Kleiner Perkins, Khosla Ventures, all sponsors.
4:17pm: Building community first with a feedback loop. Need more startup designer success stories to attract more designers. Complementary extension to existing accelerators/incubators. Set up as nonprofit. Application in July, more than 200 designers applied. Mentors and angels are picking people interested in working with, referring them to 500 Startups and others
(Photo courtesy @JamesDLevine)
4:15pm: Last message from Enrique of the Designer Fund (part of 500 Startups), which includes 40+ angels. They believe differentiated brand and experience design is critical to achieving meaningful impact. Design leadership critical.